My Personal Page

I am a freelance corporate training teaching computer software and hardware courses.

My hobbies include: genealogy, biking, hiking, photography and gardening.

I like to travel, been to 30 of the 50 states and several countries. I've been places I never thought I would dream of ever visiting. There are still a lot of places I would like to go.

I started oil painting in 1981, I always liked to draw, but I never felt I was good at drawing.  I bought a paint set and  I set out to paint my first painting  inspired from a cover of  an outdoor magazine, a buck running through a group of birch trees.  I never had an art class but I learned through experimenting.  It wasn't the best but it didn't discourage me.  After a few landscape paintings which I have since destroyed, I tried to paint portraits of people. I found my niche and continued with portraits, and occasionally paint a landscape.

From painting my interest grew into photography, trying to catch aspects of light in pictures.

This website is to share my projects with you.